She makes salt from volcanoes and she is the last of her kind! People like her are carrying traditions on their backs and we hope we can support them by telling their stories. We also want to thank our Executive Producers at Nas Daily Pro who make videos like this possible. We especially want to call out: 1. Snigdha Bhattacharjee 2. Brenda Ruth Kleiman 3. Vikram Krishna 4. Amjed Kallan 5. Helder Carrilho 6. Shalini Singh 7. Sophie Deceunynck 8. Soumak Majumdar 9. Vikrant Khanna 10. Muhammad Yaqoob Thank you for helping us tell these stories! Thank you for watching Nas Daily! Our mission is to bring people together, and that's why we create content that does exactly that!